Creating Craft Goals For the Year: 2024

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Creating craft goals is a great way to ensure you are crafting. Now, on East Coast Slow Living we are all about slowing down and being in the moment. You can create goals like craft goals to ensure that you are slowing down.

Slowing down your mind is important in such a crazy time we are in, with technology being the main cause. Using hobbies to help us slow down is a great way to slow down, and by creating craft goals for the year, you are ensuring that you are creating.

Creating craft goals can also help you become better at your craft, which in turn, means you’ll enjoy your hobby more, you’ll want to do it more, and then you can calmy relax while creating.

I’m going to share tips on how you can create crafting goals for the year as well as the goals I am focusing on this year (2024)

Creating your Craft Goals

What do you want more of?

What would you like to own more of in your home? Do you want more quilts? Maybe more handmade clothes? A new rug here or there?

Think of what it is YOU want to own more of and to be proud of. Start making a list of some ideas you’d like to create in the year. Maybe you’re like myself and want a me-made wardrobe or perhaps more colour in your home.

Don’t look at what’s trending online as this is going to work for you. YOU must make these goals for you!

What do you want to get better at?

Is there any craft that you do that you want more practice in or maybe to just learn a craft?

Make a list of the types of crafts you want to do like wood working, art, sewing, etc. Make this list unique to you and what you want to learn more of.

There is no such thing as reaching the maximum limit in a skill or a hobby. You are constantly learning & growing as you create. Even if you’re an avid knitter, maybe you just want to hone in on your skill this year, make it even better than the past year.

These goals are created for YOU, not what’s trendy.

My craft goals for 2024

To create my own crafting goals, I sat down and thought of what I owned. I thought of the crafts I enjoy making and jotted down a few notes of goals I want to achieve in 2024 when it comes to my knitting and sewing.

Use up my stash

If you’re a crafter like me, you know just how hard this is going to be. I have loads of fabric and yarn that need to be used up. There are so many projects that I can create with the supplies I already have, but surprise, I enjoy going out and buying more.

For myself, and maybe this will help you save money as well, I’m not buying any new fabric unless I absolutely need something for a project, or I’ve made so many items out of the fabric I have.

The same goes for the yarn I own.

Create more for myself & family

I often will create a piece, and then give it away. I have nothing to show of my craft. While I know some people love creating for others, and don’t get me wrong, I love creating for others. I also want to create more for myself. I want to own my own created pieces that I can be proud of.

I love creating for my family (husband & kids). And while I do want to create more also for them like sweaters and room decor, I also want to focus on myself.

As a mother, we tend to forget about our/selves a lot of the time and put others first. While this isn’t always bad, sometimes a mom needs to put herself first and this is one of those simple ways I want to do that for myself.

Creating a me-made wardrobe

Something I’ve wanted to do for myself for years was to create my own me-made wardrobe. I’ve made excuses like many as to why I can’t do this. Thanks to learning how to slow down and focus on my hobbies, I’ve learned I do have the time, I just need to prioritize.

Creating my clothes has always been something I wanted to do, and I’m jumping into 2024 by creating a me-made wardrobe. Of course, after I give birth in Spring.

Work with more colour

I wouldn’t call myself a beige mom per se, but these last few years, I’ve sacrificed some style options due to what is trendy. In 2023, I had a revelation of how ridiculous it is to follow these trends.

Wearing colours that are solely trendy but don’t compliment my skin tone is not a good look.

I’ve slowly started to introduce clothes again that suit myself much better. As well as adding more colour to our home, which our children love. I don’t just want to work with more colour when it comes to creating clothing, but also creating home decor.

Create more for the home

And lastly, to create more for our home. Saving money is important, especially when you have certain goals you want to achieve, and a great ways to save on money is by not buying home decor but rather making it.

While thrifting is still a great option, I’ve found within the last few years with thrifting becoming more mainstream, thrift stores tend to be charging more.

Plus, I’d rather have a project that I created to have on display in our home. When guests come over and compliment something you’ve made, it can seriously help boost your self-esteem!

Setting your own craft goals

Create crafting goals today for the year to come, and you’ll be even better at your craft than you are now. It’s not about perfection, it’s about growing and learning.

It’s about slowing down and relaxing so you can focus. By setting craft goals, you can ensure that you are accomplishing something to help you relax.

Happy Crafting
